

Please follow the guidelines below to choose the right service for you.

We offer a range of ways to help and an appointment may not be necessary.

Booked appointments are face to face unless specified otherwise by Paxton Green Group Practice staff.

Book an Appointment

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Pharmacy & Self-Care

Help and support available from many Pharmacies, Local and National Organisations.

Pharmacy First

There are 7 common conditions that community pharmacists can now treat.

See details and a list of participating pharmacies

Pharmacy First Plus

The Pharmacy First Plus scheme provides professional health care advice, treatments, and medicines for common illnesses from selected Lambeth pharmacies to those most in need. If you are eligible, medicines recommended for you by the pharmacist are offered are free of charge.

Learn more about this service


Help and support available from many National and Local Organisations

Visit our Health Zone


Your pharmacy can advise you on common illnesses without the need for an appointment.

Locate your local pharmacy

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Checking Your Condition Before Booking an Appointment

You do not need to see a GP for every condition, you could see a different clinician or your local pharmacist.

Many conditions can be dealt with without the need to see your GP.

Your local pharmacist can give advice on many minor ailments and NHS provides an alphabetical symptom checker.

Or alternatively you can use the NHS 111 Online - Check your symptoms

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Book an Appointment

Book a Face to Face or Telephone Appointment During Practice Open Hours.

Ways to book

  1. The online booking system for appointments has moved over to the NHS App.
  2. Telephone: 020 8670 6878

Doctor Appointments

See a Doctor for medical advice that is not covered by our other teams listed here:

Physician Associate Appointments

Physician associates are healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education, who work alongside doctors providing medical care as an integral part of the team.

Physician associates are practitioners working with a dedicated supervisor and are able to work independently with appropriate support.

Physician associates can see many of the things traditionally booked with a doctor. Current exclusions are babies under 3 months and patients with learning disabilities.

Nurse Appointments

See a Nurse for dressings and removal of stitches, blood pressure checks, cervical smears, follow-up contraception injections, childhood & adult immunisations, injections (eg: B12), asthma reviews, diabetes reviews, and NHS Health checks.

Physiotherapy Appointments

See a First Contact Physiotherapist for persisting musculoskeletal problems as well as sports injuries. To book an Appointment, please telephone Reception using the options above. 

For other physiotherapy services, please also see self-referral information on our health zone page for details of Online physiotherapy support or self-referral to Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital physiotherapy service.

Practice Pharmacists

See a Practice Pharmacist for medication reviews, queries about your medication, blood pressure reviews and cholesterol management. To book an Appointment, please telephone Reception by dialling the telephone number: 020 8670 6878

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Instructions on how to book an appointment.

Information to guide you when booking an appointment via the NHS App

  1. Login to the NHS App
  2. Click/tap on “Services”
  3. Click/tap “Check for available GP appointments”
  4. This will open up the “Book a GP appointment screen”. Under “Select an Appointment” you can select what appointment type you would like (i.e. face to face or telephone)
  5. You can also select a preferred doctor
  6. Available appointments will be listed at the bottom of the page, ordered by date
  7. Click on your preferred date, this will show the times of available appointments. Click on your preferred time
  8. This will take you to the “Confirm your GP appointment” screen. There is an option to give a reason for your appointment. To confirm your GP appointment, click the “Confirm and book appointment” button
  9. You will receive an appointment reminder 1 working day before your appointment. This reminder will be sent as a notification via the NHS App if you have notifications turned on. If notifications are disabled or the notification fails, you will receive a text message instead. The reminder will include a link to cancel the appointment if it is no longer needed. You can cancel up to 1 hour before the appointment is due.

Viewing upcoming and past appointments

  1. Login to the NHS App.
  2. Click/press on “Upcoming and past appointments”
  3. Click/press on “GP surgery appointments”
  4. This will take you to the “Your GP appointments” page. This will list all of your upcoming and past appointments
  5. You can cancel any upcoming appointments by using the “Cancel this appointment” button
  6. You can also use the “Book an appointment” button to book an appointment
  7. This will open up the “Book a GP appointment screen”. Under “Select an Appointment” you can select what appointment type you would like (i.e. face to face or telephone)
  8. You can also select a preferred doctor
  9. Available appointments will be listed at the bottom of the page, ordered by date
  10. Click on your preferred date, this will show the times of available appointments. Click on your preferred time
  11. This will take you to the “Confirm your GP appointment” screen. There is an option to give a reason for your appointment. To confirm your GP appointment, click the “Confirm and book appointment” button
  12. You will receive an appointment reminder 1 working day before your appointment. This reminder will be sent as a notification via the NHS App if you have notifications turned on. If notifications are disabled or the notification fails, you will receive a text message instead. The reminder will include a link to cancel the appointment if it is no longer needed. You can cancel up to 1 hour before the appointment is due

More information on the NHS App can be found on our website here

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Missed / Late Appointments

We ask patients to be on time for their appointments to ensure the smooth running of our clinics for both staff and patients.

Our clinicians make every effort to run as close to booked appointment times as possible.

If you are late the following will apply:

  • Up to 10 minutes late – you will be seen, but may have to wait quite some time if the clinician has already called in the next patient.
  • 10-20 minutes late – the receptionist will speak to the clinician to see if you can be seen within the same clinic session. You could be seen at the end of the clinic so there could be a long wait. If this is not possible, you will be asked to re-book your appointment.
  • More than 20 minutes late – the receptionist will ask you to re-book your appointment.

Missed a booked telephone appointment

If the clinician has failed to reach you after two attempts, a message will normally be left asking you to re-book your appointment.

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Speak to a Doctor within 24 hours

Call our Telephone Advice Line.

If you need to speak to a GP that day, please call our Telephone Advice Line (TAL) between 8am to 10am on 020 8670 6878.

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

Please visit A&E or call 999 if you have any of the following symptoms.

Check it's not an emergency


Call 999 now for any of these:

  • signs of a heart attack - chest pain, pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across the chest
  • signs of a stroke - face dropping on one side, can’t hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
  • sudden confusion (delirium) - cannot be sure of own name or age
  • suicide attempt - by taking something or self-harming
  • severe difficulty breathing - not being able to get words out, choking or gasping
  • heavy bleeding - spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle
  • severe injuries - after a serious accident
  • seizure (fit) - shaking or jerking because of a fit, or unconscious (can’t be woken up)
  • sudden, rapid swelling - of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue
  • labour or childbirth - waters breaking, more frequent intense cramps (contractions), baby coming, or just born

Find further support on the NHS 111 website

Get further support

Home Visits

You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice.

If you are housebound and need to see a doctor, please call the Telephone Advice Line on 020 8670 6878, between 8am to 10am and select the option to speak to a doctor.

If it is after 10am, please talk to our receptionists on the same number.

Sickness Certificates (Fit Notes)

If you have been off work for more than 7 days, you will need to request a sick note.

Travel Vaccinations

If you are traveling abroad you may need to book a Travel Vaccination appointment.

How to Cancel an Appointment

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.

If you are cancelling please telephone us on 020 8655 9191 within 24 hours of your appointment.

Alternatively, you can cancel your appointment using our online services or The NHS App if you are signed up for the service.


You are very welcome to be accompanied by a trusted friend or relative at your consultation if you wish.

Read our Chaperone Policy

Out of Hours

Enhanced Access - Saturday Appointments

We offer Saturday appointments from 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm with our GPs, physician associates, nursing team and first-contact physiotherapists.

These are all booked in advance so please only attend the surgery if you have already arranged an appointment.

Due to very limited Reception cover, please attend the Practice during weekday opening times for all Reception queries.

Life Threatening

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999.

Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

  • you or someone you know needs immediate help
  • you have seriously harmed yourself - for example, by taking a drug overdose

A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a medical emergency.

Find your nearest A&E

Urgent But Not Life Threatening

Do you have an urgent medical issue requiring on-the-day attention?

Visit an urgent care centre if:

  • You have an urgent medical issue requiring on the day attention

Find Urgent Care Services


If you or someone you know is feeling unwell or perhaps there is no GP to call. Free non-urgent medical advice is available 24/7 via NHS 111

Use NHS 111 if:

  • You need help now, but it's not an emergency

There will be someone to provide you with advice and to direct you to a clinician if it is necessary.

Visit NHS 111 Online