Clinics & Services

The practice offers a wide range of clinic's & services which you can read about below.

Services at Paxton Green Group Practice

Can't find the service you are looking for? See our Health Zone for Local and National support services and self-referral.

In addition to general medical consultations, we are pleased to be able to provide specialist clinics and services covering the following areas:

Antenatal & Maternity Care

This service is provided by the midwives.

Antenatal checks

If you have been asked by your midwife to book an antenatal check appointment, please inform Reception and book an appointment.

6 to 8 week mother and baby checks

A practice receptionist will contact you directly regarding your 6 week check appointment. They will also arrange your baby’s first immunisation appointment which is at 8 weeks.

Maternity Online Self-Referral Process

Maternity Units would like women to self-refer as early as possible in their pregnancy so that their care can be planned. It is also important that all necessary tests are done on time.

You do not need to wait to see a GP/ physician associate as you can self-refer to this service using the links below.

Referrals will be sent directly to the antenatal administrators who will respond within 5 working days. They aim to see women for their booking appointment before they are 10 weeks pregnant.

Asthma/ COPD

Asthma clinics are run by our Nursing team and Practice pharmacists.

Before booking an appointment, please complete our Asthma review form or COPD Monitoring questionnaire. This will then be reviewed by a member of our team.

If you have difficulties in completing the form, then please contact Reception.

Blood Pressure Reviews (Vascular Risk Clinic)

Blood pressure/ vascular risk clinics are run by our Nursing team and Practice pharmacists. Please contact reception to book an appointment.

Patients can also use our: Blood pressure review form.

This will then be reviewed by a member of our team.

Cervical Smear Screening

Please contact Reception to book a smear test appointment if you receive a cervical smear test invitation or your smear test is overdue.

This clinic is run by our nursing team.

More information from the NHS website:


We offer a range of contraception services.

Emergency Contraception

“Morning After Pill” This is more effective the sooner it is taken after having unprotected sex.

Please contact Telephone Advice Line (weekdays from 8 to 10am). If calling after 10am, please tell the Receptionist that you need to speak to a doctor or nurse urgently that day.

Pharmacies and other clinics can also provide the emergency contraception pill. Further details can be found on: Where can I get emergency contraception?

Oral contraception/ contraception patch/ NuvaRing

Please contact Reception to book into the Contraception clinic which is run by one of our Practice nurses.

You can also book an appointment with one of our doctors or physician associate.

Contraceptive Injections

The first injection should be started by a clinician with family planning expertise. Please speak to Reception so that you can be booked an appointment with one of our clinicians who is trained in this form of contraception.

Repeat/follow-up injections that are within the time limit (12 weeks and 5 days) since the last injection can be given in any nurse appointment.

Diaphragms and Caps

Whilst we can discuss these options, unfortunately, we are not able to fit them.

You will need to attend a family planning clinic for these. Details of local clinics can be found in the local and national services.

Implants insertion or removal

Please ask Reception to arrange a consultation or a phone call with a clinician who has had implant training.

Further information on contraceptive implants.

Intra-uterine device (coils) insertions

This includes the Copper IUD and Mirena IUD.

Please ask Reception to arrange a consultation or a phone call with a clinician who has had coil training.

Further information on Intra-uterine devices.

Intra-uterine device removals

As long as your threads are present these can be removed during a routine appointment with a doctor trained in coils. If you do not want to conceive then we recommend you do not have unprotected intercourse in the week before.

Please ask Reception to arrange a consultation or a phone call with a clinician who has had training in this procedure.

Diabetic Reviews

Diabetes clinic are run by our nursing team trained in diabetes care who work closely with the Lambeth community diabetes intermediate care team (DICT).

Patients with Type 2 diabetes are contacted by our care coordinators for their diabetic review appointments.

The first appointment is your Annual Checks Appointment.

In this appointment, we will complete all of the checks that let us know how things are going. This will include blood and urine tests, as well as foot and blood pressure checks.

After this, you will have a diabetes treatment review appointment with one of the Practice diabetes nurses. We will discuss your test results with you. You will make a plan with your nurse for managing your Diabetes over the next year and the date of your next follow-up diabetes appointment will be discussed.

Following your appointment your Nurse will give you a copy of your results and the plan you make.

In addition, over the course of the year, you may also be contacted by our Practice Pharmacists to review your cholesterol level and blood pressure readings.

Patients with Type 1 diabetes remain under the care of the Hospital diabetes team.

Find information about Diabetes on the NHS website

District (Neighbourhood) Nursing Team

The district (neighbourhood) nurses provide nursing care to those patients who are unable to attend the surgery.

Services they provide for housebound patients include:

  • Wound dressings
  • Care of pressure ulcers
  • Blood tests

Referrals to the district (neighbourhood) nursing team are made by a member of the general practice team. If you or a person you care for requires a referral, please contact Reception.

The district nursing team cannot accept referrals for patients who are able to attend the GP Practice.

Ear Irrigation (Syringing)

You can book an ear syringing appointment (adults only) with a nurse.

You are advised to use ‘Earol’ spray for at least two weeks prior to the appointment. If you experience any pain or discomfort, please speak to a GP.

Health Visitors and Baby Clinic

To speak to a health visitor or arrange an appointment, please visit How can I see a Health visitor?

Immunisation & Injections – Adult


  • Influenza (‘Flu’) vaccinations
  • Covid 19 booster vaccinations
  • Pneumococcal vaccinations
  • Shingles vaccinations

Each year a programme of influenza vaccination is carried out at the medical centre and it is strongly recommended that patients at greatest risk ie over 65 years of age, diabetics, asthmatics and those with a history of heart disease take advantage of this vaccination. Patients should contact the surgery every September to make an appointment. Pneumonia vaccinations are available all year for the same category of patients. One pneumonia vaccination will provide lifetime cover.


If you have been advised by a doctor/ physician associate to have an injection such as B12 injection or hormone injections as part of prostate cancer treatment or prior to fibroid surgery, please contact Reception to book an appointment with one of the nursing team.

Medication Reviews

Medication review clinics are run by our Practice Pharmacists. Please contact Reception to book an appointment.

Menopause and HRT

All women go through the menopause. It is when your ovaries run out of eggs and stop producing the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. This can cause a number of symptoms which vary widely between women eg hot flushes, sweats, low mood, tiredness, vaginal dryness.

It may also be associated with increased health risks such as cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes), loss of bone tissue (which can lead to osteoporosis which increases your risk of fractures) and bladder and vaginal symptoms.

To read more about symptoms of the menopause and what you can do to manage these, you may find it helpful to visit the following websites:

At Paxton Green, we are happy to prescribe hormone replacement therapy which involves taking oestrogen and progesterone to replace what your body no longer produces.

If you have a low sex drive during menopause, you can also have testosterone as a treatment. Testosterone works best when you are given oestrogen as well.

If you would like to discuss HRT or testosterone, then please speak to Reception to book an appointment in the Women’s Health Clinic. You can also book an appointment with any doctor or physician associate.

If you are already taking HRT you should have a review with a GP or a pharmacist 3 months after starting it and then every year.

If you are aged under 45 and are concerned that you may have symptoms of the menopause (infrequent, erratic or absent periods with flushes, sweats, poor sleep, low mood, tiredness) please do book a consultation with a doctor. It is very important that you get the correct diagnosis and advice regarding hormone treatment to help you feel better and to reduce your long term health risks.

HRT Prescriptions from 1st April 2023 Women in England prescribed HRT will be able to purchase a new pre-payment certificate allowing to receive a year’s worth of prescription items for £18.70.

If you are over 50 years, contraception needs to be used for one year after your last natural period. If you are under 50 this needs to be two years after your last period. 

This can be confusing if you are on contraception that either stops or gives you periods!

Find more information about HRT on the NHS website

NHS Health Checks

This clinic is run by our Nursing team and Practice Pharmacists.

If you have received an appointment for an NHS Health check, please contact Reception.

Further details on the NHS Health Checks and patients who are eligible can be found on: NHS Health Check

Social Prescriber

We currently have two Social Prescriber Link Workers, who work on a Tuesday & Thursday at the Practice.

Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing.

They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support. If you want to speak with one of the Link Workers contact the surgery for an appointment.

Wart (Cryotherapy) Clinics

In most cases, warts and verruca's do not require any further treatment.

We recommend that you first visit your local pharmacy who can offer you advice on appropriate over the counter treatments.

Further information can be found on: Warts and Verrucas

Cryotherapy (wart “freezing”) has the same success rates as over-the-counter treatments. If you think you may benefit from this treatment then please book an appointment with a doctor/ physician associate to discuss whether this form of treatment will be the most appropriate.

Wound Care/ Removal of Sutures